Clear the Blocks,

Make Space for Your Future.

Clear the Blocks,

Make Space for Your Future.

Carly Clark Zimmer & Cheryl

What sets my process and support apart from other coaching programs...

One of the aspects of my work that I am truly proud of is the safe, non-judgemental space I create for my clients.

Our work together is not a one-size-fits-all approach.

You can expect clear, practical support that is tailored specifically for you.

Our work is based on meaningful connection, depth and presence.

We'll probably become friends for life!

What we'll work on...

  • Gain precise clarity on what you want to be fully committed to: In work, on how you show up in your relationships, your health, and your work-life balance so that you can harness the power of clear intentions and back them up with aligned action. That way your energy is going toward what you want to create in your life and work-- instead of being spread thin. 
  • Overcoming Self-Sabotage:  Uncover and address self-sabotaging thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that prevent you from making desired changes in your life and replace them with strategies that work FOR you and SUPPORT you. 
  • Overcome Perfectionism: Perfectionism and people-pleasing contribute to the fear of making mistakes, preventing you from taking chances on yourself and limiting your growth in your career and your fulfillment. 
  • Manage Impostor Syndrome: Learn how to change the mental channel in your mind from feeling inadequate to clear, focused, and confident.
  • Self-Advocacy: This is especially important for women who tend to downplay their accomplishments resulting in them getting passed over for promotions. You’ll learn how to dissolve your reluctance to claim your achievements without sounding obnoxious so that you can accurately represent yourself and and build upon your successes. This will help you go for the promotion, ask for the raise, increase your rates and ultimately ask for what you want.
  • Personal Integrity: Learn how to be impeccable with your word, especially toward yourself. You’ll learn how to make and keep small promises to yourself so that you built up your inner trust muscles. Over time, you will trust yourself in making the bigger decisions that count!

Results you look forward to:

  • Promotions & Rate Raises
  • Business and Career Growth
  • Healthy Work-Life Balance
  • Clear Direction and Purpose
  • Clear Commitments
  • Excellent Communication Skills
  • Depth in your Relationships
  • Improved Self-Confidence and Self-Trust

Entre to Portal Door to Your Future

The Seeker

The Seeker: Nine Months

Who this is for: You're ready to build your legacy make a positive impact in your community.

You've arrived with a mission to create a lasting legacy, to imprint a positive influence on the world, and you're fully committed to wholeheartedly pursuing your vision.

If you are ready to initiate a journey of profound transformation that seamlessly integrates your inner spiritual realm with your external experiences, welcome to the sacred space of The Seeker, where the power of ancient wisdom meets the warmth of modern, practical guidance.

Let's embark on a profound exploration of the impact you're destined to make, and then let's breathe life into it!

  • Exclusive in-person VIP Day (Location TBD)
  • Kolbe Interpretation and Coaching to Understand & Leverage Your Strengths
  • Tailored VIP Coaching Sessions each month
  • Curated library of transformative coaching tools exploring the Four Realms of Energetic Integrity
  • Voxer Support for in-between sessions

✨Investment Upon Request considering VIP Day location

Apply Here

1:1 Coaching with Carly

My Coaching programs are designed to help you map out a well-defined strategy that includes logistical steps with mystical considerations. We want to be calibrating your energy and infusing it into all parts of your work and life!

Outcomes: Precise pathway so that you can follow one, a customized step at a time to make the changes necessary calibrate your life, work and energy.

We'll connect with your fully-expressed vision, identify saboteurs, and replace them with strategies that work!

What you can expect:

  • Calibrate your strengths with Kolbe, Human Design so that we can leverage your natural gifts and talents in your business and career
  • Clarify your values, vision and priorities so you know exactly where things are out of alignment
  • Connect with your "why" so you know exactly what your motivators are
  • Delegate and start asking for the support you need
  • Leverate your sensitivity so that you protect your energy effectively and all stop wasting time on the stuff that drains you
  • Release past patterns that keep throwing a stick in the spokes in your career/business, your health, and your relationships so you can feel fulfilled in the present moment and where your future is heading
  • Re-balance energy management so you have gas in the tank left for YOU
  • Increase agency + empowerment in all areas of your life
  • Define Your Desires: what success, fulfillment and contribution look and feel like specifically for you so that you're not living someone else's version instead of your own
Carly Clark Zimmer
Book Exploration Call 
Work-Life Balance


Do you value efficiency and want to see big changes, fast?

The VIP Day is for you! We'll choose one area to focus on get clear, gain traction, and get into the driver's seat towards your fulfilling future!

  • Virtual VIP Session includes a 45-minute prep session to map out exactly what we will work on so that we can dive right in during out VIP day with clear intentions
  • We'll work in three, 90-minute sections with restorative breaks in between
  • Access to recordings to review
  • Follow-up check-in call 30-days later to make sure you have what you need to work your plan
Book Exploration Call to Learn More

We should would together if...

  • You want to bring 'high vibes' and positivity to work but it feels like everyone around you is dragging you down.
  • You feel like you're constantly holding your breath.
  • Fear of failure keeps you from taking risks.
  • Everything feels urgent.
  • Impostor syndrome keeps you hiding, busy, and invisible. It's impacting your business/career.
  • You know you need to change your mindset but everything the positive affirmations hasn't worked.
  • You're so busy yet don't feel like you're getting anywhere in your business/career.
  • You know there are changes you can make but can't figure out what's keeping you frozen.
  • You know boundaries are important but getting clear on what they are and upholding them is a constant challenge.
  • You've achieved some huge milestones and accomplishments in your life, yet still feel like an impostor.
  • You're trying to meditate, read tons of self-development books, and even gone to therapy but it's still not hitting the nail on the head... there's something blocking you from enjoying your life and your accomplishments.

If you resonate with any of these, you feel exhausted and just want to escape from your own life, then it's a signal we should have a conversation.

We'll work together to detangle which patterns, thoughts and behaviors are helpful and which ones are hindering your current life experience.

Shana Hartman

Shana began to trust herself and created the business of her dreams!

“When I found Carly, I had all kinds of emotional and physical weight. I knew that if I didn’t take some kind of step toward a change, the cost was too great.. Now I’m on my path!

I began taking better care of myself, and at the same time started getting better results in my business. In just a few months, I’ve built a new career path as a coach and I’m getting amazing results in my LIFE & BUSINESS! Carly showed me how to trust my instincts and hear myself more clearly so I could build a business that felt right for me.”



Embodied Writing Coach

Shana Hartman

Shana began to trust herself and created the business of her dreams!

“When I found Carly, I had all kinds of emotional and physical weight. I knew that if I didn’t take some kind of step toward a change, the cost was too great.. Now I’m on my path!

I began taking better care of myself, and at the same time started getting better results in my business. In just a few months, I’ve built a new career path as a coach and I’m getting amazing results in my LIFE & BUSINESS! Carly showed me how to trust my instincts and hear myself more clearly so I could build a business that felt right for me.”



Embodied Writing Coach

Start here...


How I came to explore this work...

Carly Clark Zimmer

This is me, age seven.

It was around this time that my parents started to have problems in their relationship. My Nanny, (Dad's Mom) was very sick with bone cancer. My Dad had a complicated relationship with his mom, and my parents were doing the best they could to navigate their own relationship, having four kids, a farm, and a business.

My childhood was great on the outside, yet on the inside... this little seven-year-old quickly became the "peacemaker".

I could feel when a fight was coming on. I would try to diffuse the situation, tending to everyone's feelings and overfunctioning around the house to do everything I could to take care of anything that might upset my parents.

This little girl became very good at anticipating the feelings of others. I could (and still) quickly read and feel the energy of others.

While it supported my brothers and I during a very long, loud, and painful divorce, I coped with control.

I grew up quickly and started hanging out with kids much older than me.

I could become a chameleon in any situation, being the person I thought I should be.

This coping strategy helped me become successful in various jobs and even my career at The Peninsula Hotel.

I would often get assigned to the"difficult" clients because I understood them on a deeper level. I knew the reason they were angry wasn't because their appointment was mixed up.

There was something deeper at play.

This awareness and ability served me well into my twenties.

But it did cost me an immense amount of energy.

I didn't know how to disconnect from what I was feeling from other people.

So I carried it.

When I found personal development work, I had a deep inner knowing that I needed TOOLS to help break some of the patterns I was already seeing myself repeat from my family of origin.

At this point I was also practicing massage therapy and could FEEL the unexpressed emotions trapped in my client's bodies.

When I found coaching, I knew it was the avenue I needed to be able to put language to the energy in the body.

My first training was right one time. Only weeks after getting started with my coach certification, my father was going through an exceptionally hard time. He had been diagnosed as bipolar many years before and was expressing a particularly deep valley of despair.

I shared some of the very first tools and concepts I was learning about, Values and Boundaries.

We BOTH had a light bulb moment that he was living out of alignment with his values his entire life!

He was living a life of "shoulds" and pleasing everyone but himself.

With the support of his therapist, medication, bodywork, and coaching, six years later my Dad had the courage and capacity to sell our childhood home and move out to Colorado, where his twin brother had moved decades before to pursue his dreams, my now father joined him to pursue his own!

He listened to his grounded heart and decided to center his dream of working with horses, something he has been naturally gifted at since he was a teenager.

Now, my Dad, Greg is thriving!

My family recently got to take a trip out to the ranch to visit him! His emotional states no longer fluctuate drastically, and he's experiencing a sense of peace and happiness, and in a healthy relationship.

I'm so proud of my Dad for doing this work. His story is just one of many people I've helped with making big, bold, heart-centered decisions to gain a healthy sense of control their your life!

Here's my family on the ranch in southern Colorado!

Greg Clark
Clark Family
Clark Family
Carly Clark Zimmer

Still here? Ok! Here's a tiny bit more about my journey...

Carly Clark Zimmer

Adventure and exploration form the bedrock of my core values.

My goal for the past ten+ years has been to make incremental shifts so that I don't NEED a vacation from my life... and I've accomplished that.

Now, listen... I'm not sipping margaritas on a beach all the time making buckets of money as I sleep, but that's not my definition of success.

Success to me is falling asleep early, feeling satisfied with the good work I've done, and working with clients to help them take the helm of their one precious life.

Now don't get me wrong... I LOVE a good adventure and margaritas, especially spicy ones! I love sailing in BVI and exploring the Thermals in Costa Rica!

But what I'm most proud of is the everyday life I've built.

I've listened to my energy and made adjustments with work and boundaries so that over time, my everyday commitments support my energy and natural rhythms.

This took time... but it is possible!

I'm proud of my relationship, which started out rocky and turned into a loving, mutually respectful and FUN partnership. We had to learn a lot about trust, safety and communication. I'll share what we've learned, and pass on my teachers' wisdom to you.

It's the connection and community that matter way more than all the spicy margaritas and money in the world!

I'm a sucker for the underdog story and a relentless cheerleader.

And I work to make a positive impact where I can.

Paradoxically, even though I love exploring and traveling, sometimes for weeks at a time (my packing system is legit!!) I also love being home with my books, my own bed, and fancy coffee machine (pandemic purchase... Dev is now an expert at making fancy designs with the milk... I'll keep trying!)

I've transformed my own life from an in-person, income-capped massage therapy practice to a location-independent coaching business that allows me to work from anywhere, with anyone in the world! I now live in Europe and travel almost every month to visit family or explore fantastic cultures around the world!

This was my vision TEN YEARS ago... so again... It does take time. But with a vision, consistent inquiry into mindset and social norms, and connection to body wisdom... YOUR vision is possible.

My life's work is to bring these powerful tools to support your mind, your body, your daily habits, and your lifestyle.

These tools will help you communicate honestly and openly with your families, your colleagues, and most importantly, with yourself.

Ok.. the fun stuff:

My astrological chart - Sagittarius on the cusp of Capricorn with Aries Rising says my superpower is to turn what feels complicated and overwhelming into comprehensible and easy-to-implement steps forward!

⚡ I was struck by lightning... ask me about it sometime!

🎸 Harmony is my number one strength in Strengths-Finder and it couldn't be more true! Coordinating schedules, team communication, and community culture, systems, programs & processes is my happy place! I also play the guitar and love to harmonize with my hubby!

☘️ I moved to Galway, Ireland with my husband, Devin in 2019 for what was supposed to be six months...We're still here!

🧜‍♀️ I took up icy daily dips Irish Atlantic during the pandemic and it's become a daily ritual to connect with nature and my local community! 
As they say here, it's great CRAIC!  

📚 When I'm not wearing my coaching hat I'm listening to the latest online business podcast... or diving into one of the 9 books stacked on my bedside table!

I'd love to get to know you more so please feel free to send me an email or a DM on Instagram!

Costa Rica
Costa Rica

The Prom, Salthill, Galway Ireland

On the fence?

How do I know if coaching is right for me?

Successful coaching relies on your genuine desire to change, and a coach’s balance of challenge and support. Look at these statements; if they describe you well, coaching will be helpful.

  • I have a genuine desire to stretch and change.
  • I am willing to experiment with new ways to do things.
  • I am willing to ask for support when I need it.
  • I am disciplined about following through on commitments.
  • I am highly motivated, right now, by a big challenge or a new opportunity.
  • I recognize I have blind spots, and know I need candid feedback from others.
  • I am willing to invest in this as a priority for at least six months.
  • It’s the right time for me to take a leap.

How is coaching individualized for me?

  • Good coaching will be highly tailored to you, rather than a cookie-cutter series of exercises.
  • I've gone through three certifications along with countless continuing education classes to expand my toolbox so that I can customize your program to meet you where you are, and guide you to share you want to go! We'll partner together to define specific milestones, and what accountability looks like, and will jointly design the learning process. The program will evolve as you do and will be responsive to your circumstances as they change.

What does the coaching process look like?

  • Exploratory conversation to see if we're a good fit to work together.
  • Onboarding Session to map out your goals & milestones, and start to chart your course (PathFinder, Explorer, Seeker)

Included in the Explorer & Seeker programs...

  • Kolbe and Humand Design Assessments
  • Joint development and agreement on specific and observable coaching outcomes.
  • Scheduling of regular coaching sessions, and joint design of fieldwork that integrates learning into the rest of life.
  • Robust, on-going, and regular sessions on Zoom
  • Traction Tracker to organize session notes, resource files, action items, and practices.
  • A plan for your on-going growth and development after the conclusion of coaching.

How is Life & Leadership Development Coaching different from Performance Coaching?

  • Performance coaching helps individuals make more contributions towards specific organizational outcomes and metrics. The style of coaching I provide goes well beyond this, seeking to develop the whole person through a holistic lense, including Body, Mind, Energy and Spirit.
  • Performance is still addressed, but our coaching focuses on the larger context of building lifelong skills so that you have a toolbox and the trust to guide yourself well beyond the completion of our program.

What is the difference between Coaching, Consulting, and Consulting?

  • Honestly, whatever others might say, the lines blur. Generally, coaching is future-oriented, facilitative, and focused on the development of the whole person.
  • We may shine a light on the past to make sense of your future path, but we don't linger there.
  • I have a trauma-informed background, so if at any point during our program, I feel you may benefit from therapy or counseling, we will work together to find you additional support.
  • The intention of our work together is to build trust within yourself so that you can find your own answers, yet there will be some times when tools and teaching may be beneficial. In those moments, I will step into a consulting role to guide you.
  • Essentially, I won't leave you hanging in the land of "how does that make you feel?" We'll work towards clarity and resolution with each session, consistently furthering you on your chosen path.

Why has coaching become so popular?

  • Coaching is a proven approach to long-term change.
  • 25-40% of major corporations now use coaching means to develop high-potential leaders; a number of studies document an ROI of 500% on coaching.
  • Coaching is personalized, real-world, pragmatic, and sustainable, often producing significant non-tangible benefits.
  • Coaching develops leadership capacity using immediate challenges and real-life implementation as the learning process.

What is the investment?

  • My services range from $500-$15,000 depending on the level of support. But all of that is irrelevant if we don't take the time to decide what will support you best by having an exploration call. So before you immediately decide you can't afford to invest in yourself... have you ever tried?
  • It's one of the BEST ways to ensure you are putting your money where your mouth is, and having some skin in the game so that you make those dreams a priority!
  • Sometimes it IS about the money. If you are having trouble putting food on the table, then focus on that first. I also coach inside a fabulous community called When You Lead. We offer accessible group coaching every single month.
  • If you'd like to work together but can't swing 1:1, this is another option at an accessible price point. Click here to learn more about When You Lead: The Community.

As a lifelong learner, I consistently train to enhance my ability to safely and expertly support you on a deeply informed, professional level.

Here are a few of my notable certifications & accomplishments:

BodyMind Method Coach
Carly Clark Zimmer: Kolbe Certified Coach
Institute for Equity Centered Coaching
Swedish Institute

Member of Professional Associations & Additional Degrees

Galway Chamber
Alternative Balance Professional Group Member
New York State Office of Professions
SUNY New Paltz Graduate

How to Clear Up Miscommunication using the Drama Triangle

Recycling the same arguments and conversations is draining and unproductive.

Drama Triangle

Access the Free Class

Clear up miscommunication in your relationships at work, at home, and with yourself. Here's what you'll learn:

The Drama Triangle Concept

▴ How to tell when you're spiraling inside

▴ Why people often stay inside EVEN WHEN it's uncomfortable

▴ How & WHY to get out!

I stand in solidarity with Black, Brown, Indigenous, Minority Ethnic, and People of Colour,  LGBTQIA & those who hold culturally and systemically marginalized identities to dismantle systemic racism. I pledge to continue to personally comb through my cultural bias, business systems & practices, former coach training & theories to dismantle the systems of oppression in our society and within myself, and the programs and communities I facilitate.

My communities have a strict vetting process so that we can provide a safe, trauma-informed space for people of all identities to learn, grow, ask questions, and provide their own valuable insight and feedback for us all to learn from.